Anyway, all these beautiful and fun houses that give me beautiful and fun ideas can be helpful, but also rather frustrating. I mean, here I am, bursting with creativity and married to a former finish (not Finnish) carpenter who can do just about any DIY I could conceive and I DON"T OWN MY OWN HOUSE!
It is possible that when we retire we will have our own home, but until then, if we stay where we are, I'm constrained to surface DIY. Constrained to pesky things like cabinets where I don't want them and walls without windows. How can I ever have my "Fried Green Tomatoes" moment where Tuan comes home and finds me demolishing a wall with a sledgehammer while declaring, "I NEED MORE LIGHT!" while living in a house not my own?
I suppose I could have one of those moments. It might guarantee we don't live here much longer, and then I just might end up with a house of my own.
Living here does trump the house crazies I occasionally get. I also comfort myself with the promise of a mansion in glory. Not that it will need renovating or "more light." It will be perfectly right.