It's been an eon since I last blogged. We've been out of our house and without wireless internet, so any internet time I get is at Tuan's office in very brief snatches. It's aggravating, but a small price to pay for the extra space that is coming at us. We've been living in another lodge on the property for about four weeks. Having four bedrooms and a laundry just feet away has been so incredible. i think the lodge could probably hold all the places we've lived since we were married--so fun. The downside is that the lodge is all wood and very dark at night. I have lamps everywhere, but am definitely looking forward to having white walls again! The renovation is going well. The new living room is framed and sheathed, and the kitchen/porch should be next. I am thankful that God is providing us with this much needed space, especially because . . .
La no. 2 is on the way! I'm sure most of you who read this blog know already, but I'll say it anyway! I'm 19 weeks along and due January 30th. Tuan and I were wanting to have another baby and are very excited. The hardest part was that I found out I was pregnant during overnight two of camp (I was about six weeks along, then). I felt really awful one Thursday and took a test (positive). Once the camp doctor checked me out and ruled out any other illnesses, I reckoned that I had the first trimester woes. :) I don't get morning sickness when pregnant, but I do get very, very tired--and a whole four weeks of camp remained, plus I couldn't/wouldn't tell hardly anyone before I had seen my OB and was 12 weeks. I honestly wondered if I could make it, but God was very gracious in helping me get through those weeks (particularly Fridays--Scott can attest to how hard Fridays were!). I was also very grumpy and irritable--not a good camp attitude, there. I am thankful for his grace this summer and excited about our forthcoming La--pray the house is done well before the baby comes!
Tuan and I are finally on vacation! My parents live outside of Destin and we are down here for the whole week--so fun. My four year old nephew came with us as well and he and Johnny are quite a pair! We took them to the beach and to this really fun playground. Tuan and I have eaten at Moe's twice already (sad day in Jxn when they closed) and are glad for a glorious five days of vacation remaining. It's good to be away from TL.
We did have an incident this morning, though. Tuan and I were going to go to some thrift store and realized that my phone and wallet were missing from the car (along with his Mp3 player and some CDS). Apparently there was a rash of these sort of thefts last night. Grr. . . Lots of pertinent things were in my wallet, and we immediately called all the proper bureas and companies and banks. It made me especially mad b/c I had a huge spa gift card in my wallet that I was hoarding until I could get an appt and baby-sitter. Thankfully, we had our computer and camera in the house. They are loaded with precious pictures that I don't want to lose! A Deputy Sheriff came and we had to file reports and swear things and make lists. I surely hope the guy gets caught.
I should like to "kick him in the nads" as Tuan says. He will be witnessed to, however, because he stole a bunch of indelible grace CDs. He also will be greatly disapointed by the contents of the Mp3 player as it contained an audio version of Treasure Island and a short story by Isaac Asimov! The thief apparently did not need a car seat, booster seat, size 11 chacos, or pricey raingear. Nor did he lust for Jan Karon and Clive Cussler books or a biography on Paul. He also apparently can recognize costume jewelry, because he left my bling sno-flake ring and doesn't have chapped lips because my chapstick was left. Odd thief. I still want to kick him in the nads.
Momma is convinced I am stressed out over this. My 13 year old brother tried to persuade me that even though I say I am not stressed out, "in times like this you are even though you don't realize it." He is an old soul. This is what happens when people have children at an older age, when their first two are older.
I am actually very thankful. We were not in danger, Johnny was never threatened, nothing super valuable was taken that will have to be replaced and I think we were able to curtail the damage to our accounts in time. I do ask that you all pray that my identity is not exploited and that this person is held accountable.
That's life for us in a nutshell right now. I feel very pregnant suddenly and just want to waddle and wear a mu-mu. I'm going to get off now, having updated in a not-so-timely fashion and enjoy my vacation!
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