We are trying to teach Johnny the children's catechism. We've been working on "Who Made You?" for the last two plus years, so you can imagine the hope we have of a future snowball effect--you know, once we get question one down, perhaps the others will just pick up speed. . .
It's mainly getting the form of the answer right, as well as the concept. Tonight, however, Johnny was on a roll. He was sitting on the changing table and said, "God made trees!"
"Good!" I replied, "What else did God make?"
"God made swimming pool!"
"Yes, God made the swimming pool." Let's try another one, I thought to myself.
"Johnny, where is God?" Johnny peered behind the shower curtain and said, "God hiding!"
"No, Johnny, God is not hiding; God is everywhere!"
He thought for a moment and said, "God hiding something."
There ya go.
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