Some of you may have gotten this news a few days ago via e-mail, if not, I just wanted to let y'all know that Aubrey came home Sunday morning! The NICU called and said we could pick her up--we were so thrilled.
We've had a great couple of days. Johnny is adapting well. He's not super interested in her, but will give her a kiss on the head when it's bedtime. He is so old and big all of a sudden. Folks told us this would happen, and I believed them but didn't fully grasp what they were saying. He's been a bit of a stinker, but we can chalk that up to the crazy life he had last week.
Tuan is doing well. He actually slept better when she was in the NICU because he knew she was being monitored and watched. I think he is relaxing a bit more with each day. I'm doing very well. I came off of a big adrenaline rush once she got home and sleep has been deep and blessed. I'm feeling pretty recovered except for some back pain and had a good burst of energy this morning and evening. I've gotten some housework done and finally mopped my kitchen floor. We've been blessed the past two days with large gifts of food, which will be such a blessing--especially for Tuan as he has handled the kitchen end of the deal.
And Aubrey Sue . . . what can I say? We are so smitten. I think she's the most beautiful baby in the whole world. She has been so good natured--she sleeps and scarcely makes a peep. She's got some thrush, but hopefully the medicines our nurse gave us will clear it up. The nursery had her on a four hour schedule and since we were told to increase the volume of her feedings, she's sticking to it. It's strange having so much time between feedings. Johnny never really hit that four hour mark, he stayed at three until around one. I'm enjoying having this quiet "easy" time with her and Johnny.
We're getting into a routine (or rhythm) of sorts and for the first time ever, I feel like my house is capable of being somewhat orderly. Having decent storage space and just space in general is such an amazing blessing. Our house is just the right size--it's easy to clean with one bathroom, little carpet and--gasp!--a washer and dryer inside the house. It's an amazing concept really, you just put your dirty clothes in any time you want to and you don't even have to get dressed, load your kids into the car, and drive to the laundry rooms (only available after 3:30 pm, thank you very much). I am all astonishment.
Finally, I want to give a bit shout-out to my dear husband. Tuan has taken on way more jobs and done far more with the kids and around the house than I can even begin to tell you all. I am so thankful for him--he daily shows Christ to me by his humble attitude and servant heart. His gentleness and patience constantly motivate me to strive in that direction. I can only chalk it up to God's good grace that someone like me could have a guy like him.
With a grateful heart, I bid you all a good night!