
Insomnia, Induction, Inspiration

It's a cheerful four thirty in the morning here in La Land and I'm wide awake. Oh, joy. I'm not anxious, worrried or otherwise plagued, just awake! If I were virtuous, I'd be up baking bread, cleaning, or sewing, etc . . . but I've spent the last hour in bed reading, doing Sudoku (and failing miserably--it is after all way too early in the morning to be awake). The irony is that in a week's time, I'll be up around this time, wishing desperately to be asleep and instead feeding Aubrey. Oh, the strangeness of life!

I had a sonogram yesterday and everything looks good! Aubrey is estimated to be around 7lb 12 oz give or take a pound. Call me crazy, but I'd sooner give a pound than take one! I held a friends tiny, but strangely chubby newborn at Bible study on Wed and it was unsettling. I liked Johnny's nice sturdy 8lb 11 oz self (he actually shrunk to 7lb 13 oz before his amazing charge into his baby sumo physique.

This is Johnny at birth; we thought he looked like a pretty tough bare knuckle fighter:

Then, this is after the weight loss:

This is when he got all healthy and into solid foods. This is him with my Granny:

So anyway, we are scheduled to induce on Tuesday--bright and early check-in at 5:30 am and no eating/drinking after midnight, thank you very much. I think it's funny that in order to prepare for some of the hardest physical exertion of your life, you are not allowed food or drink. I understand why, but it's still funny. We had a very quick delivery with Johnny. He was born just six hours and fifty minutes after check-in. They say your second comes faster, so here we go! Please pray for us with the delivery and also for Johnny as he adjusts to the baby.

I'm trying to get things done around the house and get the nursery ready in preparation for Tuesday. Last night I madly planted all the spring bulbs I hadn't yet put out. I had bought heaps of them on clearance this fall, but we didnt' get into our house until after Thanksgiving, and I had a hard time gettting them into my "perennial bed" due it's awkward accessibility for pregnant women. In desperation, I filled my empty containers and a more accessible bed with probably a hundred bulbs. Johnny helped. Hopefully we'll get some show this spring and when I'm more fit, they can be moved to the intended bed.

Last week I got inspired about baby bedding for the nursery and Wed I went out and purchased the fabric to sew bedding. Yes, you read that right. A week before induction, I have bought fabric to sew bedding. Never mind that I've never done that, never mind that I haven't even started on a smidgen of it (except to somehow wrangle my dear mom into sewing the bumpers). I am persisting in the idea that in the next four days, I'm going to sew a crib skirt, valance and quilt, plus clean the house from top to bottom, finish painting baby beds and of course, have Tuan build shelves and bookcases. Funny how pregnancy brings out an even more determined/stubborn nature. I've been a little bit obsessed with this project, to the point that I dreamt about gingham. That's what I should really be doing between the hours of three and five thirty ("that" referring to sewing, although, I really should be trying to go back to sleep!). Instead I'm uploading photos and rambling on the blog. This won't happen again for about six months, I guarantee you!


Anonymous said...

Hope everything comes out all right. (Ha, ha. Puns are fun.) Will be praying for you.


Guitta said...

love the rambling and we are praying for you...as i see david already wrote that.

that's what you get when you are one.

i wish i knew which hospital you were in.
