
Time Was Once a Friend to Me

What is getting done:
baby and childcare
sparse quiet time
our bed made
occasional naps
laundry washed, then washed again because I never put it in the dryer
approximately one chore per day

What needs to be done:
More deliberate quiet time
Hair brushed
Laundry completed and put away
bathrooms cleaned
floor mopped
more time with big kids ("school")
Fridge and freezer cleaned out
Thank you notes

What I Really Want to Do:
Massage/body scrub at Aqua
Baby holding
Read Practical Religion
Sew curtains and Aubrey clothes and cute bibs
Go running
Sleep all night, wake up and go right back to sleep
Breakfast at Broad Street with Tuan
thrift store hopping
Re-arrange furniture
Be Outside
Do "school" with J


E said...

Haha... this all just made me laugh :) I'll be there one day very soon!

Hilary said...

That is what my time is like with one 9 month old! I wonder how multiples are done, but I hope it gets a little easier when they are a bit older?

At the end of these days, I just like to remember how thankful I am to have Sam.