It has been a whole year since I last wrote and a very long time since I wrote regularly. For the last year, I've actually wanted to write, but free time has gone hither and yon and been used wisely and wastefully (social media!). But also, everything online feels so contentious and I don't like online conflict and while I've still got some strong opinions I feel less full of wisdom than every before, I now feel more reluctant to say anything. Who knows where this blog is going to go!
I'm reading several books right now. One is, The Gospel has a House-Key by Rosaria Butterfield. Y'all, I was REALLY grumpy at Tuan for ordering this book. I didn't want to be convicted about hospitality or be challenged and when it came in the mail I opened it and left it on the piano so HE could read it. And then I walked by and picked it up and read from the middle to the last 3/4 without stopping . . . and then I turned to the front and skimmed the first half. Now I'm all convicted and uncomfortable and it's all his fault!
I'm still processing how this applies in my own life. The Butterfields are extraordinarily hospitable (as in EXTRAORDINARILY). Not all of us are called to do it the same way, but as believers we are all called to be hospitable, and I want to do this better. Particularly, I want to be more spontaneous, and invite people into our ordinary life more often, and just be more intentional with gospel conversation. I can have 70 people over for gallons of soup without flinching, but I really have a harder time with just inviting people to join us for regular dinners and life. I also get this mental block about it at times--it can seem daunting, but I REALLY love it when it happens. So, if you are a camp neighbor, and reading this, please just invite yourself over and help a sister out!
This ties in with another book I'm reading, Spiritual Mothering by Susan Hunt. Three other women and I went to a conference where she spoke on Titus 2 discipleship and we all bought the book. I'm so encouraged by what I heard and read and am just pondering a lot and thinking about how I can be more faithful and gospel-centered in my own relationships with women. So many dear women have poured into my life and prayed for me and my family and pointed me to Jesus. I pray that I can do likewise.
This is a wild and wonderful season. Schooling the kids is pretty consuming, but we have turned a corner in life where I am not having to keep my eyes on someone at all times and the kids can go visit friends and I can even run an errand to camp while J babysits. It's a sweet, sweet season with our kiddos and as my older two are on the edge of adolescence, I am just clinging to these days and trying to really enjoy them.
So many wonderful things are happening and going on in our life right now. God is teaching me hard and good lessons and I'm grateful for this "good" season.
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6 years ago
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