
Pantry Challenge Part III

So, we made it through today! I have to buy some groceries Thursday or Friday night because we've got a shindig on Monday and I need to cook, but I think I'm going to keep challenging myself with our meals.

Leftover Red Beans and Rice. This would have been supper last night, but things worked out otherwise.

Salmon Croquettes made with a can of salmon, onion, eggs, and saltines. Instant mashed potatoes I'd bought on a pregnancy whim also came in handy!

Whole wheat rotini, canned four-cheese spaghetti sauce, onion, leftover frozen turkey, some bell peppers I'd frozen and a the remnants of some parmesan I had in the fridge. Doesn't it sound so romantic to talk about remnants of parmesan? I also had some cream leftover from Thanksgiving baking that we added to the sauce--it definitely elevated the sauce from pedestrian to yummy! I'll try that trick again!

We ran out of juice today and I really wish we had more produce. That's probably where I'll cave in when I go to the grocery. Nevertheless we're still going strong especially with meat. I have a whole frozen chicken, so I'm thinking some chicken and dumplings for the weekend!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Ooh, I love salmon croquettes, but I haven't tried onion in them before. Were they good?